Optimize decisions.
Shape the future.
Hedge risks.

Add power to your currency exposure management

Our HEDGE21 smart decision support is at the forefront to your firm's currency business. Our objective is protecting your firm's bottom line from losses incurred in foreign currencies.


HEDGE21 digital control strategies take data from your corporate supply chain and blend them with Artificial Intelligence based financial market insights.

Case study: Rough Linen

Currency challenges of a European fashion company

An European fashion company plans their new fashion lines two years ahead of rolling it out to the High Street stores. While dresses, tops and skirts make a Euro-denominated income, Asiapac dressmakers request to be paid in US-Dollar. With a two-year supply period, that imposes quite a risk on fashion retailers.

Treasurer show interest in AI-based hedging strategies

The magazine "Der Treasurer" recognizes that companies show interest in AI-based heding strategies. Full article in German language.

The power of 21executive

21executive academy brings together the latest content, assessments and innovations from leading experts in both hedging and AI to foster benchmarking and thought leadership.

Markets, strategies, analytics
and publications

Since markets have become political, it is crucial to understand what drives markets – political statements, sanction regimes, de-globalization.